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    As a virtual assistant, you know how crucial it is to set clear expectations and protect yourself. Having a solid contract is key to ensuring a smooth and professional relationship with clients. If you're looking to create a contract for use with your clients, here's some tips on what to include:

    Virtual Assistant Duties

    First up, outline what specific tasks you'll handle. It's important to note what exactly you will do for the client. 

    For instance, will you check emails, make phone calls, schedule meetings, or manage social media?

    In the duties or scope section, make note of the items you will manage and in what capacity. 

    Contract Term and Termination

    Define the duration of your engagement. Whether it's a project-based contract or an ongoing relationship, make sure the timeframe is crystal clear.

    Is this a monthly engagement?

    Or are you contracted by a three or six month term?

    Whatever the duration, make it known how long you will provide services. The effective date of the contract typically indicates the start date of the services and the contract term will indicate when the services end.

    Also, be sure to include a clause for termination, providing both parties with a smooth exit strategy. How do you or the client exit the agreement? This could be 14 or 30 days written notice to the other party, for example.

    Payment Terms

    Let's talk money!

    Clearly state your compensation, whether it's an hourly rate, flat fee, or retainer. Establish payment terms, including any additional fees for extra services.

    If there are penalties for late payments, such as late fees, include them here. You can also note that services will halt until late payments are received.

    Intellectual Property Ownership

    If you are creating content that the client will own (typical), that content is considered "work for hire" under the U.S. Copyright law and you should indicate that with work for hire language in your contract. This gives ownership rights to the client.

    On the other hand, what if you will retain ownership?

    In that case, negotiate licensing or usage rights if needed to ensure that your creative essence is protected.


    You're likely to have access to at least some confidential information when working with clients. You may be privy to private phone calls, documents and processes that the client does not want made public.

    Commit to keeping your client's secrets with a strong confidentiality clause. This builds trust and protects both parties from potential leaks.

    To do this, include a confidentiality provision in your agreement stating that information given to you defined as "confidential" will be kept private.

    This provides your client comfort knowing that their business practices are safe from competitors.


    When it comes to expenses, typically the VA will cover their own expenses necessary to do the job. As an independent contractor (vs an an employee) this is expected.

    That said, depending on the arrangement you have with your client, there may be costs associated directly with the client that you may want to be reimbursed for.

    In those cases, your contract should state that the client will reimburse pre-approved expenses.

    You and your client can discuss these expenses beforehand (no surprises) and then you can give the receipts to the client for reimbursement.


    It's always helpful to have a clause about timing in these type of agreements. Let's say you're waiting on your client to give you the passwords to the social media accounts you are managing.

    You cannot perform your duties without this information so if they are delaying the project, that's a waste of your time.

    I like to include a clause about timing so that just in case the client becomes unresponsive or extremely slow in responding, you have an out if you cannot perform your duties after a certain period of time.

    Milestones & Deliverables

    Next up, to set expectations for both you, it's helpful to include a schedule of what will be delivered to each party and when.

    If you will not attach a statement of work, that's no problem but it's helpful to include a list of any expected milestones / deliverables that shows what is due and when.

    Provide anticipated dates for completion of each stage.

    And if you have a list of items that the client needs to submit to you to jumpstart the project, those items may be listed here with due dates as well.

    Having a schedule of deliverables in the contract helps to keep everyone on track.

    Use a Virtual Assistant Contract

    By incorporating these key terms into your social media manager contract, you're not just protecting your interests but also fostering a relationship built on trust and transparency. 

    The Legal Goodness Virtual Assistant Agreement Template  is full of the terms you need to protect yourself as you work with clients. 

    This template is simple to use. Fill in the blanks and you’re ready to go! It is also easily modifiable to suit needs specific to your business.

    Need more comprehensive legal info including templates and videos?

    Learn about Legally Good Club and get tips on how to protect your business legally starting today, by watching my free legal workshop.

    This blog posting is provided for general informational and educational purposes only and is not provided for specific, individual legal advice.